Zambonis Rule!

Monday, March 19, 2012

How Is Contraception a Presidential Campaign Issue?

Okay, I think everybody agrees that Rush Limbaugh should not have called Ms. Fluke a "slut".  Even Limbaugh agrees with that.  Ms. Fluke inserted herself into a debate through her congressional testimony that is costs her $1000 a year for birth control, but that does not make her a slut. Some say it may make her a liar, but I digress.

How did birth control get to be a presidential campaign issue in the first place?  It seems to have begun with George Stephanopolis asking Mitt Romney whether a state can ban contraceptives during a presidential debate.  What a baffling question at the time.  Little did we suspect that he was merely setting up the manufactured issue that was to come.

Can I get a date to testify before congress regarding my insulin costs?  I'm diabetic, after all.  If all of society must provide free contraceptives to every woman that wants them, can I get a little help with my insulin costs?  I mean, a person doesn't need contraceptives to keep on living but, well, I do have to have insulin to survive more than a few weeks. All of society does not bear the cost of my insulin, yet I have to share in the cost of birth control pills.  I'm told that I'm somehow a misogynist if I don't agree with this.

I pay every month for every prescription drug I have to use.  Yet I have to provide birth control pills free of charge to all women.  Why is that fair?  Or, should everything be free for everybody?  How does a society like that work?  This is so nutty at so many levels it's not even funny, and the more disturbing part is how many people buy the nutty "argument" for this hook, line, and sinker.  Say, how about this?  Instead of making me pay for some woman's birth control (and frankly, at $1000 a year, that Fluke gal must be having an awful lot of sex) why not let me use that money to buy my insulin, which is not free at the expense of everyone else?

There are a great many necessities of life that are not provided free.  But to make political (not women's health) points, the democrats have manufactured this as a political issue.  The stupid republicans have fallen for it.  And it's all so that the president can avoid having to talk about his dismal record.  And it's working, so I don't blame them, but I'm just hoping that those who regurgitate the nonsense know in their own intellect that it's nonsense they are spewing so their guy gets reelected.  I'm sure hoping they don't believe this crazy stuff.

Of course the new governement health care system is supposed to give everyone everything for free, right? Giving everything for free to everybody is a myth. It is definitely not free. I do in fact use more medication than the average person.  If everybody had to pay for everybody's medications, I'd make out like a bandit.  Is that supposed to make me support such nonsense? It is madness, I tell you...

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